Siamrajathanee Public Company Limited

(“the Company”) realizes the importance of good corporate governance as an important factor in promoting the Company’s operations for efficiency and sustainable growth. It will lead to the best interests of all stakeholders ranging from employees, investors, shareholders and other stakeholders. Hence, the Board of Directors agreed to establish a good corporate governance policy covering the core principles ranging from the structure, roles, duties and responsibilities of the Board to the principles of management of the executives with transparency

Good Corporate Governance Policy documents


Charter of the Board of Directors

Charter of the Executive Committee

Charter of the Audit Committee

Charter of the Nomination and Remuneration, Corporate Governance and Sustainability Committee

Charter of the Risk Management Committee

Company Secretary Charter

Scope of powers, duties and responsibilities of the Chairman of the Board of Directors

Scope of Power, Duties, and Responsibilities of the Chairman of the Executive Committee

Scope of powers, duties and responsibilities of the Chief Executive Officer

          Company policies

Policy on the use of inside information

Sustainability Policy

Anti-Corruption Policy

Privacy Policy

Whistleblowing and Proceedings Policy

Risk management policy

Social responsibility policy

Human Rights Policy

Conflict of Interest Policy

Policy on Diversity in the Board of Director's Composition

Investor Relations Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct

          Company Documents

Company Articles of Association

Memorandum of Association

Company Certificate